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All posts by Dr. Nick MacPherson

Pain Free Teeth Cleaning!

Smiles On Flinders are pleased to advise that we are now able to offer our patients pain free teeth cleaning with the use of Oraqix Gel.

Oraqix is not injected. Rather, it is dispensed through a blunt tip applicator directly onto and under your gums. The effects should be a numbness that prevents you from feeling sensitivity during teeth cleaning. Unlike local anesthesia, which can last for 3-5 hours, the effects of Oraqix should last for approximately 20 minutes. Not only will you eliminate the invasive use of a needle, but the numbness often associated with local anesthesia will wear off much faster so you can eat, speak and drink normally again.

We are currently offering Oraqix at no additional charge so why not schedule your appointment to try it today.

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Forget the Needle!

We are pleased to now offer our patients needle-free pain relief for dental cleaning appointments! Oraqix is a needle-free anaesthetic gel that is applied below the gum line. Oraqix is effective and efficient and offers patients a needle-free alternative to traditional anaesthetics for dental cleaning appointments.

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Do I need a night guard?

Tooth pain or jaw soreness after waking up in the morning could be the first signs you suffer from bruxism – also called teeth grinding. Bruxism is a common dental condition. It affects a significant number of adults and children of all ages. Bruxism cannot be cured, but there are ways to reduce teeth grinding. One of the best methods for reducing bruxism is wearing a night guard when you sleep. Night Guards Offer Protection Wearing a night guard while sleeping helps prevent the surfaces of your teeth from grinding together. This can relieve tooth pain, relax jaw muscles, and reduce headaches that result from bruxism. Since your upper and lower teeth move back and forth with serious force, grinding can wear down the enamel on your teeth over time. This is not simply a cosmetic issue. Worn down teeth can open the door to a host of other serious dental problems. Persistent teeth grinding causes increased tooth pain as nerves become exposed. Affected teeth can develop temperature sensitivity. Grinding can also cause cracked or chipped teeth over time. Without proper treatment, grinding will necessitate being fitted with crowns, bridges, or veneers. It can also lead to root canals and extractions in the worst cases. Using a night guard can save you time and money when it comes to dental care.

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Bleeding gums can kill more than your smile

  • Have you noticed pus around your
  • Do your gums feel tender or look
  • Is it difficult for you to chew?
  • Does your bite feel different?


Over 80% of adults have gum dis-ease. Smoking, excessive alcohol, diet, and poor oral hygiene can contribute to the onset and progression of the disease, but genetics seem to play a significant role. If there is a history of gum disease or premature tooth loss with your parents or siblings your chance of having this disease is extremely


A better understanding of this disease has created new treatment alternatives.

Antibiotics, deep cleanings, laser treatments, mouth rinses, and homecare, used individually or in combination, are reducing the need for more aggressive options like surgery. Contrary to what you have been told, bleeding gums are not normal and shouldn’t be ignored. Would you be concerned if your hands bleed every time you wash them? Your gums are no different. Bleeding that occurs when you floss, brush, or eat is usually caused by a bacterial infection and represents one of the first symptoms of gum disease (Periodontal Disease). Researchers are finding links between periodontal infection and serious diseases of the human body. Heart Disease & Heart Attack, Stroke, Diabetes, Respiratory Disease, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Artificial Joints, and Pregnancy complications seem to be connected to your oral health. The current theory is that bacteria present in infected gums breaks loose, travels
though your bloodstream, and attaches itself to your heart or other body parts. A resent study found that 85% of heart-attack patients have periodontal disease, making this connection higher than the relationship between high cholesterol and heart attacks.

Research using DNA testing has found that periodontal bacteria can be transmitted from parent to child and spouse to spouse.

What Should You Do?

Keep your mouth healthy! It is not
“just a cleaning” anymore. See your
dentist or hygienist at least twice a
year for periodic maintenance and
screening. Periodontal disease is
often painless until it reaches more
advanced stages, however there is a
simple test that your dental team can
use to uncover this problem even in
its beginning stages. Like most dis-
eases of the body early detection is
essential. Also, remember to brush
and floss. You will need to be an
active participant in prevention. Gum
disease is a serious infection that
should always be taken seriously.

Take a Self-Evaluation Quiz.

If you answer yes to any of the follow-
ing questions you may have periodon-
tal disease.

  • Do your gums bleed when you
    brush, floss or eat?
  • Do your teeth or gums hurt?
  • Do your teeth feel like they are moving?
  • Are your gums receding?
  • Do your teeth look longer?
  • Do you have persistent bad breath?
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